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2022-051: Multifamily ESG Charts & Graph on Disclosure Search Screen
Published Date: 9/28/2022 2:00 PM

Ginnie Mae is providing Multifamily Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Portfolio level charts. This provides a visual display of data that makes comparisons easier and promotes a better understanding of trends in Ginnie Mae’s disclosure data.

The Multifamily ESG data provides pool level aggregate information about the extent of loans and UPB dollars that are in Low- and Moderate-Income areas over the last 12 months. The new charts include:

  • ​Percentage of Loans in Pool Containing Multifamily ESG Flagged Loans
  • Percentage of Loans in Pool Containing Multifamily GRM ESG Flagged Loans
  • Percentage of Loans in Pool Containing Multifamily GRA ESG Flagged Loans
  • Percentage of Loans in Pool Containing Multifamily GRB ESG Flagged Loans

* GRM (green/market); GRA (green/affordable); GRB (green/broadly affordable)

To access the charts: From the Disclosure tab at the top of the Ginnie Mae website, select Disclosure Charts​.

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