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2016-017: August 2016 Ginnie Mae Factor A GII File
Published Date: 9/8/2016 12:00 AM
The Ginnie Mae Factor A GI and GII files are Factor files with preliminary data and are subject to final data corrections, based on reporting by Ginnie Mae Issuers. The Factor A files values are not final for the month and at the time they are released, Ginnie Mae’s window for data corrections is still open. This month’s Factor A GII file ( has incomplete records for some Multi Issuer Pools.

Based on the final Security RPB reporting from Issuers, Ginnie Mae will publish complete and updated final Factor Files (“Factor B File”) of Ginnie Mae I and Ginnie Mae II pools on the 6th Business Day of the month. The Ginnie Mae Factor B GI and Factor B GII files will be posted on the Disclosure Data Download page on the scheduled 6th Business Day, 8:00 PM .

For questions related to this bulletin, please send an email to