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Modernization Initiatives

Ginnie Mae continues to modernize its Securitization Platform technology, processes, and related policies in response to the growing need for improved service delivery to its Issuers and investors, creating a fairer, more affordable and equitable housing finance system. Toward this goal, Ginnie Mae is transforming its platform operations to deliver greater business value. 

Our migration to a public cloud is the foundation for our modernization and transformation initiatives. Ginnie Mae's efforts were recently acknowled​ged by peers in the technology industry when the agency was named a 2022 CIO 100 award recipient, recognition assigned to organizations that exemplify the highest level of operational and strategic excellence in information technology. This transition to a mature public cloud enhances Ginnie Mae's ability to respond to market changes and develop new products that help America's homeowners and renters.

Ginnie Mae has continued to invest in technology modernization and optimization efforts designed to simplify doing business with us. We expanded the functionality and value proposition of MyGinnieMae, our business processing hub, by launching important pooling tools for single- and multi-family as well as Platinum securities, helping to streamline those products. Additionally, we incorporated a state-of-the-art centralized helpdesk into the portal that significantly enhances the customer experience.

The broad details of these efforts were outlined in the 2022 Annual Report, an article by Barbara Cooper-Jones, SVP of Enterprise Data and Technology in the Ginnie Mae Housing Analysis & Policy Spotlight (HAPS) blog.

Technology modernization powers Ginnie Mae's enhanced securities disclosure. Enhanced disclosure of the mortgages underlying Ginnie Mae MBS give a clearer picture of Ginnie Mae's market-leading support for affordable housing and first-time homeownership, key visibility tools for investors interested in making Social investments as part of their broader Environmental, Social and Governance portfolio targets.

In addition to increasingly deeper data into the Social aspect of Ginnie Mae's MBS, technology driven data tools help Ginnie Mae report out the way its securities further Environmental investment goals portfolio managers may have. Overall, Ginnie Mae's ESG disclosure are aligned with the Biden-Harris Administration's commitments to affordable housing and environmental sustainability.

For an additional list of documents, publications, processes and further information regarding our modernization effort, please refer to technology and modernization articles published in the HAPS​ blog and in the tables below.​

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 Ginnie Mae Central (GMC) Compliance & Monitoring (C&M) Module

Ginnie Mae is excited to introduce Ginnie Mae Central (GMC), a comprehensive application within MyGinnieMae designed to revitalize and enhance three core business processes: Insurance, Financials, and Compliance & Monitoring (C&M). GMC will improve the efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility for Issuers, Subservicers, and Document Custodians in managing these business processes.​​

The C&M module covers the end-to-end process for conducting Compliance Reviews across Issuers, Document Custodians, Sub-servicers, and Ginnie Mae reviewers. Through this modernization effort, the C&M module brings transparency to the process, access to near-real time data to drive activities, flexibility & customization to reviews, and process-related reporting capabilities. C&M process stakeholders can leverage the materials below to learn about the process and tools that are changing for this modernization effort.

Issuers, Subservicers, and Document Custodians are expected to use the information and tools provided on this page to prepare for the transition to the C&M module. For additional information and questions, please email askGinnieMae​@hud.govor call Ginnie Mae Customer Support at 1-833-466-2435.

Document Publish Date
GMC Compliance & Monitoring Module Adoption Timeline 02/16/2024

Related Communication
Publication Name
Publish Date
​​May 2023 Modernization and Issuer Outreach Call: Introducing Ginnie Mae Central (GMC)

User Resources - These user materials are updated, as needed, during ongoing development and testing efforts.
Resource Name
Release Date
GMC C&M User Manual​

Ginnie Mae Central: Compliance and Monitoring Process (eLearning Module)​ 05/02/2024​

 Ginnie Mae Central (GMC) Financials Module

Ginnie Mae is excited to introduce Ginnie Mae Central (GMC), a comprehensive application within MyGinnieMae designed to revitalize and enhance three core business processes: Insurance, Financials, and Compliance & Monitoring (C&M). GMC will improve the efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility for Issuers, Subservicers, and Document Custodians in managing these business processes.

The Financials module streamlines the Audited Financial Statement (AFS) package submission process for Issuers (currently managed under the Independent Public Accounting module). Through this updated process, stakeholders can expect more streamlined communication and less churn in submitting and reviewing documentation. Stakeholders of the Insurance and Financials processes can leverage the materials below to learn about the process and tools that are changing for this modernization effort.

Document Publish Date
GMC Financials Module Adoption Timeline 02/26/2024

Related Communication
Publication Name
Publish Date

User Resources - These user materials are updated, as needed, during ongoing development and testing efforts.
Resource Name
Release Date
GMC Financials User Manual​
​Ginnie Mae Central: Financials (eLearning Module)​ ​05/22/2024

 Ginnie Mae Central (GMC) Insurance Module

Ginnie Mae is excited to introduce Ginnie Mae Central (GMC), a comprehensive application within MyGinnieMae designed to revitalize and enhance three core business processes: Insurance, Financials, and Compliance & Monitoring (C&M). GMC will improve the efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility for Issuers, Subservicers, and Document Custodians in managing these business processes.

​The Insurance module streamlines the Insurance Policy package submission process for Issuers (currently managed under the Independent Public Accounting module). Through this updated process, stakeholders can expect more streamlined communication and less churn in submitting and reviewing documentation. Stakeholders of the Insurance and Financials processes can leverage the materials below to learn about the process and tools that are changing for this modernization effort.

Document Publish Date
GMC Insurance Module Adoption Timeline 02/26/2024

Related Communication
Publication Name
Publish Date

User Resources - These user materials are updated, as needed, during ongoing development and testing efforts.
Resource Name
Release Date
GMC Insurance User Manual​​
Ginnie Mae Central: Insurance (eLearning Module)​​ 05/22/2024​​

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Payment Default Status

On April 17​th, 2024, Ginnie Mae released APM 24-06​ announcing the Payment Default Status (PDS) dataset, a new reporting record for Single Family Issuers, within the Reporting Feedback System (RFS) in the MyGinnieMae portal.

The PDS Reporting project will enable Ginnie Mae to better analyze servicer liquidity stress and loss mitigation outcomes, as well as enhance existing Investor Reporting that will fill critical operational and disclosure data gaps needed to increase accuracy and efficiency of Ginnie Mae’s monthly investor reporting and align with industry standards. The enhancement will allow for expanded data collection of the default status of nonperforming loans for Single Family Issuers.

With the implementation of PDS reporting, Issuers will no longer report the monhly Supplemental Loan Level  Forbearance file. This implementation effort is focused on Ginnie Mae Issuers, their servicing platform providers, Subservicers, as well as in-house software platforms reporting to RFS. The term Testing Organization will be used to describe Issuers and Service Bureaus in the testing and implementation phases who expect to create and submit a PDS data file.

Testing Organizations are expected to use the information and tools provided on this page to prepare for the new data collection. PDS reporting will be required of all Single Family Issuers with loans that meet the PDS reporting criteria specified in Appendix VI-22​, beginning with the November Report Period data due in December 2024. For additional information and questions, please email askGinnieMae@hud.govor call Ginnie Mae Customer Support at 1-833-466-2435.

Timeline - Schedule of key dates and events related to the adoption of Payment Default Status
Publish Date
Payment Default Status Adoption Timeline 08/15/2024

Related Communication - Vehicles describe how information will be communicated to stakeholders for the PDS Expanded Data initiative.
Publication Name
Publish Date

Modernization Bulletin 54: PDS Continuation of Supplemental Forbearance Reporting​
​​Modernization Bulletin 50: Payment Default Status (PDS) – Appendix VI-22 Code Clarification​
​​​Modernization Bulletin 41: Payment Default Status (PDS) Testing Information for Single Family​


Technical Implementation Resources - The Technical Implementation Resources will consist of documents to assist Testing Organizations in setting up their systems for the new data elements per required specifications.
Resource Name
Release Date

​Trainings and Instructions – Will consist of several training videos for Testing Organizations on file uploading procedures and testing information.
Resource Name
Release Date
​​PDS Manual Entry Training Recor​ding Se​ssion 2
​​QRC-IS24 Manually Reporting PDS Loan Activity
​​QRC-IS25 Submitting Monthly PDS Certification​
PDS Manual Entry Training Recording Se​ssion 1
PDS Manual Entry Training
PDS Data Collection Testing Kick-Off Call Recording
PDS Data Collection Testing Kick-off Presentation 05/09/2024
Payment Default Status Testing Instructions​
February Modernization & Issuer Outreach Call Presentation

FAQs / Common Inquiries
Resource Name
Release Date​​​​​​
PDS FAQs - Reporting Requirements

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Platform Upgrades

Ginnie Mae remains dedicated to making technological improvements that deliver a better and safer experience for its business partners. Accordingly, Ginnie Mae is rolling out major upgrades to the Securitization Platform in October 2022 to consolidate data centers and migrate to the cloud. These upgrades will generate an improved user experience, more efficient processing, and allow for the deployment of desirable business tools like RSA SecurID Soft Tokens.

The information in this section will provide details on the impact to Ginnie Mae business processes and systems dur to the Securitization Platform Upgrades and guidance on how customers will navigate those impacts. For additional information and question about Platform Upgrades, please email

Timeline - Schedule of key dates and events related to​ the Platform Upgrades.
Document Publish Date
Planned Business Outage Timeline​

Related Communication
Publication Name
Publish Date
​​Modernization Bulletin 20: Platform Upgrades - RFS Navigation Changes​
​​Modernization Bulletin 19: Platform Upgrades - User Interface Changes​
​​September Modernization and Issuer Outreach Call​
​​Modernization Bulletin 18: Planned Business Outage​
​​Modernization Outreach Call Overview​
Modernization Bulletin 14: Announcing MyGinnieMae Portal Availability

FAQs - The list of FAQs have been developed based on inquiries about the Platform Upgrades.
Publish Date
Planned Business Outage FAQs

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Reporting Feedback System (RFS) Expanded Loan Level Data Collection

On May 26th, 2023, Ginnie Mae announced the Additional Reporting and Feedback System (RFS) Loan Level Data Elements via APM 23-05​. The RFS Expanded Data Collection Initiative aims to enhance existing Investor Reporting that will fill critical operational and disclosure data gaps needed to increase accuracy and efficiency of Ginnie Mae’s monthly investor reporting and align with industry standards. The enhancement will allow for expanded data collection of 11 additional and 1 updated existing Single Family (SF) and MultiFamily (MF) data elements as stated in the APM.

The additional loan level data elements will provide the following benefits:

  • Allow greater accuracy in RFS pool/loan accounting payment calculation for operations
  • Provide essential metrics for disclosure to the capital markets
  • Enable greater ability to monitor MBS collateral
  • Assist in the path towards loan level details

This implementation effort is not solely focused on Ginnie Mae Issuers, but also their servicing platform providers, subservicers, as well as in-house software platforms reporting to RFS. The term Testing Organization will be used to describe all participants in the testing and implementation phases.

Testing Organizations are expected to use the information and tools provided on this page to prepare for the new data collection. For additional information and questions, please email​or call Ginnie Mae Customer Support at 1-833-466-2435.

Timeline - Schedule of key dates and events related to the adoption of RFS Expanded Data Elements
Publish Date
RFS Expanded Data Timeline 08/12/2024

Related Communication - Vehicles describe how information will be communicated to stakeholders for the RFS Expanded Data initiative.
Publication Name
Publish Date
​​Moderniztion Bulletin 42: Reporting Feedback System (RFS) Expanded Loan Level Data Collection​
​​Modernization Bulletin 39: RFS Expanded Data Collection – Testing Information
APM 24-03: Clarifications to Reporting and Feedback System (RFS) Loan Level Data Elements Announced in APM 23-05 03/11/2024​
​​APM 23-05 Additional Reporting and Feedback System (RFS) Loan Level Data Elements

Technical Implementation Resources - The Technical Implementation Resources will consist of documents to assist Testing Organizations in setting up their systems for the new data elements per required specifications.
Resource Name
Release Date
​​Appendix VI-19​

​Trainings and Instructions – Will consist of several training videos for Testing Organizations on file uploading procedures and testing information.
Resource Name
Release Date
RFS Additional Data Collection Testing Organization Instructions 03/22/2024
​​RFS Additional Loan Level Data Testing Kick-Off
​​RFS Expanded Data Collection Kick-off Presentation
​​February Modernization & Issuer Outreach Call Presentation
​​September 2023 Issuer Outreach Call Presentation
​​September 2023 Issuer Outreach Call Video 09/21/2023​

FAQs / Common Inquiries
Resource Name
Release Date
​Frequently Asked Questions 03/14/2024​​​

 ‭(Hidden)‬ RSA SecurID Soft Tokens

​​RSA Soft Tokens

In 2022, Ginnie Mae migrated to the use of RSA SecurID Soft Tokens. This migration eased access to applications on MyGinnieMae and provided enhanced security features that hard tokens could not provide. RSA SecurID Tokens are software-based security tokens that generate a single-use login PIN. Soft tokens replicate the security advantages of multifactor authentication, while simplifying distribution and lowering costs.

Ginnie Mae will automate soft token provisioning effective December 9th, 2023. This allows existing token holders to obtain a new RSA SecurID soft token and change the device on which the token is installed via self-service functionality. Token holders and their Organization Administrators are encouraged to reference this page for the latest updates, as Ginnie Mae iteratively improves the process for requesting and maintaining soft tokens.

Timeline - Schedule of key dates and events related to​ the adoption of RSA SecurID Soft Tokens.
Document Publish Date
RSA SecurID Soft Token Automated Provisioning Timel​in​e​​


Related Communications 
Document Publish Date
​​Modernization Bulletin 28 - RSA Self Service Token Replacement
Modernization Bulletin 29 - User Inactivity​ ​10/20/2023
​​September Modernization and Issuer Outreach Call
Modernization Bulletin 17: Transition to RSA SecurID Soft Token​ 08/30/2022

FAQs - The list of FAQs have been developed based on inquiries made by Issuers and Document Custodians.
FAQ Title
Publish Date
​​RSA SecurID Token Adoption Post-Cutover F​AQs​
RSA SecurID Token Adoptio​n Pre-Cutover FAQs

How to Install and Authenticate Soft Token – Desktop
How to Install and Authenticate Soft Token – Mobile​
How to Use a Soft Token in MyGinnieMae
Video - How to Use a Soft Token in MyGinnieMae
​Requesting a Replacement Token Via Self-Service

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Single Family Pool Delivery Module (SFPDM) - MISMO

The S​ingle Family Pool Delivery Module (SFPDM) is Ginnie Mae’s modernized application for the delivery of Single Family and Manufactured Housing issuance data. This application offers several new capabilities, including greater transparency into the progress of submitted pools through an intuitive and user-friendly interface.

The modernized application supports the submission of Ginnie Mae’s new Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD), which leverages the mortgage data standards and XML specifications created by the Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization (MISMO). Ginnie Mae’s PDD is specific to Ginnie Mae’s business model and therefore contains some unique data points that may not be a part of other MISMO compliant datasets within the mortgage industry. Additionally, SFPDM allows Issuers to manually enter pool and loan data if they do not intend to import data using PDD files.

On June 1, 2023, Ginnie Mae released APM 23-08 announcing the required PDD/SFPDM implementation date and the revised GinnieNET cutover. The latest SFPDM Adoption Timeline can be found here.

The three key components of this adoption effort are:

  • Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) - MISMO v3.3-compliant XML-formatted data for Single Family pools and loan import to SFPDM

  • Validation and Testing Tool (VTT) - Testing application for validating PDD structural and data specifications, as well as Ginnie Mae Business Rules or Edits

  • Single Family Pool Delivery Module (SFPDM) - New production application for PDD submissions to replace GinnieNET

Issuers are expected to use the information and tools provided on this page to prepare for the transition to SFPDM. For additional information and questions, please email askGinnieMae​@hud.govor call Ginnie Mae Customer Support at 1-833-466-2435.

Related Communication
Publication Name
Publish Date
Setting up Subscriber Delivery Instructions (Quick Reference Video
​​APM 23-08: Single Family Pool Delivery Module (SFPDM) Adoption for Single Family and Manufactured Housing Program Issuers
Modernization Bulletin 25: Required SFPDM Adoption and GinnieNET Cutover
​​Modernization Bulletin 23: Announcing Enhancements to SFPDM and VTT​
​​Modernization Bulletin 22: PDD Specifications 3.0 Release​
Modernization Bulletin 16: Announcing New SFPDM Enhancements
Modernization Bulletin 12: PIIT Execution during SFPDM 18-Month Adoption Window

Technical Implementation Resources
​The PDD "Implementation Guide" and its appendices are technical resources provided to help you develop and test the new Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD). The "Appendix B - Usage Scenarios" and "Appendix C - XML Examples" are updated each month to align with the passage of time during ongoing development and testing efforts. If updates are made to the PDD XML technical specifications, those changes will be detailed in the "PDD Implementation Guide" and applicable appendices.
Resource Name
Release Date
PDD Implementation Guide 12/16/2024
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix A - XML Data Requirements​ 12/16/2024
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix B - Usage Scena​rios
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix C - XML Samples​
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix D - XML Data Reference 12/16/2024​
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix E - XML Schema Definition 02/02/2023
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix F - Legacy to MISMO Translation
​​PDD / Uniform Loan Delivery Dataset (ULDD)​ Common Data Points​
PDD Quick Guides 08/19/2021​

Resource Name
Release Date​​​
​​Validation & Testing Tool (VTT) Training Presentation
Validation & Testing Tool (VTT) Training Demo​
VTT User Manual

Resource Name Release Date​​​
Single Family Pooling Business Rules and Errors Guide​
​​SFPDM User Manual
​​Exporting Pool Data in Excel Format (Quick Reference Video)
​​QRC-SFPDM Identifying GinnieNET vs SFPDM Pool Submissions (Quick Reference Card)​
Setting Up Subscriber Information in SFPDM (Quick Reference Video)
Populating Subscriber Information in SFPDM (Quick Reference Video)
Working with SFPDM Overview (eLearning Module)
​​Using SFPDM (eLearning Module)
SFPDM Manual Entry Pool Submission Training Recording 01/19/2023​​
SFPDM Training Presentation ​
SFPDM Training Recording

Resource Name
Release Date​​​

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)
SFPDM / PDD / VTT Common Inquiries
Tips for Leveraging PDD Resources
Comparing Key Features of GinnieNET vs. SFPDM

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Last Modified: 2/10/2025 11:02 AM