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Issuer Operational Performance Profile (IOPP) Overview

In early 2015, Ginnie Mae launched the Issuer Operational Performance Profile (IOPP) to provide Issuers with a framework and methodology to gauge their effectiveness in Ginnie Mae programs. The tool assesses Issuer individual performance using key indicators, and measures Issuer operational and default performance in comparison to peers. The IOPP tool helps Ginnie Mae continue to ensure the existence of a safe, successful, and government-backed flow of capital for U.S. mortgages, which reduces risk to taxpayers and provides much needed capital for the government.

Ginnie Mae released several enhancements to the IOPP tool in June 2017 which provided an even more comprehensive view of Issuer performance data by adding additional metrics, increasing the transparency and timeliness of the reports, in addition to other features that upgraded the user experience.

In June 2018, Ginnie Mae added a new metric to the IOPP tool to track the Single Family Prepayment Rate of its Issuers. This new metric captures the Single Conditional Prepayment Rate (CPR) and can be viewed on many existing reports in the tool. The IOPP tool helps drive internal consistency in monitoring business activities across the broad population of Ginnie Mae Issuers and lays the basis for providing constructive feedback.

If you have questions regarding access to the IOPP tool, please see your Security Officer/Organization Administrator or email To review the relevant FAQs on the Ginnie Mae website, type a keyword search for IOPP or select the “Category” Issuer and the “Subcategory” IOPP.

​​IOPP Scoring Methodology ​06/25/2018
​​IOPP Definitions - Single-Family and HMBS ​07/18/2018
IOPP Peer Group Listings​​​​
​​IOPP Definitions - Multifamily ​06/15/2017
​​IOPP Single-Family Issuer Demo Video
IOPP Multifamily Issuer Demo Video ​06/15/2017​
​​​APM 15-04: Issuer Operational Performance Profile and Update to Appendix III-29

Notes & News
​​Notes & News #32 ​06/22/2018
​​​​​Notes & News #27 05/22/2017​
​​​​Notes & News #18 01/19/2015​



​​​​Frequently Asked Questions
Last Modified: 9/25/2024 11:45 AM