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2019-056: Issuance of First HMBS Platinum Pool and Posting of HMBS Platinum Daily and Monthly Files on the Disclosure Data Download page
Published Date: 10/28/2019 4:20 PM

In March 2019, Ginnie Mae implemented Disclosure files for HECM MBS (HMBS) Platinum Pools (see Bulletin 2019-003). There had been no industry issuance activity since that time.

Ginnie Mae is now announcing the first HMBS Platinum pool for October 2019. Therefore, the Disclosure Data Download page is being updated accordingly to allow for posting of HMBS Platinum Daily Files and HMBS Platinum Monthly Files. This will begin the week of October 28th, 2019. The following files will be made available per the table below:


​File ​Location on Page ​Release Schedule Anticipated First File Issuance​​
hplatdaily.txt​​ ​New Issues (NI), Pool-Level Files ​Every Tuesday - Saturday ​Late October
​hplatmon​​ ​Other Files ​8th Business Day of the month, 6:00 PM ​November 13th, 6:00 PM


Users are reminded that the HMBS Platinum Pools are in separate physical files per above and are not included in the existing Enhanced Platinum Files (“platdaily.txt” and “”). However, HMBS Platinum Collateral data will be included in the existing Platinum Collateral files: “platdcoll.txt” and “”.

For questions related to this bulletin, please send an email to Inquiries to this email will be addressed within 2 business days.