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Factor A Ginnie Mae II Additional File
Published Date: 9/18/2015 1:00 AM

Ginnie Mae is providing an additional Factor A disclosure file, beginning with September 2015 factors, released in October.

The new file contains additional Multiple Issuer Pools (MIP) data; the new “Factor Percentage Complete” field will be populated for Multiple Issuer Pools where some loan package Remaining Principal Balance (RPB) reporting is incomplete. Currently, when RPB reporting is incomplete for MIP pools, no factor is provided on the Factor A file.

The new file, the Factor A Ginnie Mae II Additional file, will be published on the Disclosure Data Download page as “”; it will be published on the same schedule as the Factor A files. The layout for this new file is here.

There are no changes to the existing Factor A and B files, but field descriptions will be added to the Factor A and B file layouts.

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