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 President & Executive Vice President

The Office of the President & Executive Vice President (OP&EVP) is led by Theodore W. Tozer, President, and Mary K. Kinney, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer.

The office directs the global development of policy and provides enterprise-wide oversight of all operational support related to Ginnie Mae’s current and future business. Additionally, the office assures that organizational performance is consistent with established departmental and corporate goals and objectives.

 Capital Markets

The Office of Capital Markets (OCM) is led by Senior Vice President John F. Getchis.

The office directs and manages all capital markets activities and administers the Ginnie Mae multiclass securities programs, including the Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit (REMIC), Platinum Securities, Callable Trusts, Stripped Mortgage-Backed Securities, among others. The office’s prime stakeholders are broker-dealers, asset managers, hedge funds, banks, and insurance companies. The office coordinates with Ginnie Mae partners to offer solutions and programmatic insight to aid the marketing of existing securities products and developing new programs that are designed to broaden the investor base of all Ginnie Mae securities. With a team of experienced professionals and a suite of sophisticated electronic platforms, the office enables our stakeholders to evaluate, track, and execute multiclass transactions.

In addition, the office conceptualizes and manages new product development, identifies budget and resource implications, prepares related operating procedures, and coordinates with other Ginnie Mae offices to assure appropriate operations resources, infrastructure, and technology management support. Additionally, the office provides capital market policy guidance used to efficiently administer the Multiclass Program.

The Office of Capital Markets contains three major functional areas – Structured Solutions, Market Intelligence, and Global Emerging Market client coverage for Official Institutions.

 Chief Financial Officer

The Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) is led by Chief Financial Officer, Thomas R. Weakland.

The office serves as Ginnie Mae’s liaison to HUD’s OCFO, the Office of the Inspector General, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the General Accounting Office (GAO), the U.S. Department of Treasury, and the U.S. Congress (through HUD).

The office maintains all financial management and operational controls for Ginnie Mae, ensures compliance with the reporting requirements of the Federal Financial Managers’ Integrity Act and the Chief Financial Officers Act, provides accounting and financial reporting services, manages the investment of Ginnie Mae funds, prepares and monitors the execution of the budget, manages defaulted assets, and oversees the management of financial models. The office also performs all internal audits, and helps to minimize financial risk to Ginni​e Mae by evaluating and promoting effective internal controls in all core business areas, implementing financial procedures and enhancing risk assessment and prevention methodologies.

The office is supported by four key divisions – the Governance and Compliance staff, the Controller’s Division, the Treasury Division, and the Budget and Economic Modeling Division. Each of these areas specialize in a specific aspect of financial policy or administration, ranging from conducting audits to providing technical accounting management to managing cash assets to preparing federal budget submissions.

 Communications & Congressional Relations

The Office of Communications & Congressional Relations (OC&CR) is led by Director Cynthia A. Adcock.

The Communications & Congressional Relations division coordinates all of Ginnie Mae's communications and marketing efforts, public policy and government relations, and conference planning.

The division works to ensure that customers, business partners, media, stakeholders, and the general public have an understanding and appreciation of Ginnie Mae’s programs and products. The division’s staff coordinates communications with the media, industry associations, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Offices of Public Affairs, and the Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations.

 Enteprise Data & Technology Solutions

The Office of Enterprise Data & Technology Solutions (OED&TR) is led by Senior Vice President Barbara Cooper-Jones.

The office is responsible for defining, developing, and implementing enterprise-wide technical and information management strategies to ensure the ongoing and future alignment of Ginnie Mae’s operations and technical infrastructures across the enterprise. The office is divided into three divisions – the Project Management Office, the Technology Management Division, and the Enterprise Data Solutions Division.

The newly developed Project Management Office (PMO) provides governance and oversight, ensuring that projects are in compliance with established guidelines. Additionally, the office standardizes project management processes, tools, and documentation and monitors compliance to the project lifecycle methodology.

The Technology Management Division (TMD) is responsible for providing the planning and technical execution leadership that meets Ginnie Mae’s evolving business, information, and security needs. The division ensures that the enterprise architecture and related business and technology roadmap are aligned to meet the information and security requirements of Ginnie Mae and deliver on-time technology solutions to meet Ginnie Mae’s objectives.

The Enterprise Data Solutions Division (EDS) is responsible for providing the expertise and leadership critical to meeting the information needs of business stakeholders. The division defines and implements Ginnie Mae’s data strategy, including data quality and architecture, metadata and master data management, among other items.

 Enterprise Risk

The Office of Enterprise Risk (OER) is led by Chief Risk Officer Gregory A. Keith.

The office is responsible for monitoring and managing the corporation’s aggregate risk and ensuring compliance with risk policies, developing and maintaining corporate-wide procedures for risk management, and providing independent evaluation and oversight of all risk management activities. The office is divided into two divisions – the Counterparty Risk Analysis Division and the Operational Risk Analysis Division.  

The Counterparty Risk Analysis Division establishes enterprise-wide risk policies and standards related to the management, analysis, and oversight of potential, active, and dormant Ginnie Mae Issuers. The responsibility includes coordination and approval of new Issuers and monitoring high-touch Issuer compliance and performance. This division is also responsible for performing detail analytical and modeling activities that ultimately will drive Ginnie Mae’s risk appetite and policies.

The Operational Risk Analysis Division plans and executes major projects, studies and analyzes corporate risk issues and issues involved in the housing market at-large. This division independently assesses risk from inadequately designed or failed execution of internal processes, people and technology or from external events that have an impact on Ginnie Mae. As a result of its assessments, the division formulates innovative approaches and strategies to manage risk and identify emerging risks and trends.

 Issuer & Portfolio Management

The Office of Issuer & Portfolio Management (OI&PM) is led by Senior Vice President Michael R. Drayne.

The office partners with Issuers including banks, credit unions, housing finance agencies and mortgage banks regarding all matters concerning their participation in Ginnie Mae’s mortgage-backed securities (MBS) programs. The office establishes policies governing eligibility for Issuers of Ginnie Mae securities. The functions of the office are carried out across three divisions: Single-family, Multifamily, and Monitoring & Asset Management. 

The Single-family Division is responsible for the single-family programs for standard and Home Equity Conversion Mortgage program (HECM) mortgages, as well as the Manufactured Housing MBS program. This division represents Ginnie Mae in the residential mortgage lending community – marketing the Ginnie Mae programs, identifying and recruiting new Issuers and ensuring a working relationship with program participants. The division also has several other responsibilities including the development of new Single-family MBS programs, coordinating with the Securities Operations offices in the issuance and monthly reporting processes, sharing announcements with Issuers about new processes, and identifying and providing instructions to new Issuers, among other roles.

The Multifamily Division deals with Issuers in all matters concerning their participation in Ginnie Mae’s multifamily program. The division has responsibility for marketing the Ginnie Mae Multifamily program, ensuring a working relationship with program participants, and establishing policies governing eligibility and performance in the Multifamily MBS program.

The Monitoring & Asset Management Division manages and undertakes risk monitoring activities to assure program compliance. The division also participates in the development and review of policies and procedures for the Single-family and Multifamily programs. It also provides surveillance of delinquency, financial and insurance-matching metrics. Additionally, the division manages Issuer defaults as well as oversight of all activities related to marketing and managing assets acquired by Ginnie Mae in the event of an Issuer default.

 Management Operations

The Office of Management Operations (OMO) is led by Senior Vice President Deborah A. Hernandez.

This office includes the Administration Management Division and the Procurement Management Division.

The Administration Management Division is responsible for all human resources functions, facilities management, administrative matters, and coordination of all departmental management initiatives. The division also develops fiscal year budget formulation, creates internal policies for administering the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) human resources policies and procedures as well as other administrative functions. 

The Procurement Management Division is responsible for developing and implementing internal policies and procedures that ensure effective procurement planning and oversight. The division provides technical support to the program areas in the identification of appropriate contracting vehicles to procure required services. Additionally, the division helps Ginnie Mae implement its small business plan and conducts regular training and update sessions for all Ginnie Mae employees to ensure timely, effective and efficient procurement management operations.

 Security Operations

The Office of Securities Operations (OSO) is led by Senior Vice President Thomas R. Weakland.

The office manages Ginnie Mae’s day-to-day back office functions necessary to administer Ginnie Mae’s mortgage-backed securities (MBS) program. The office works closely with Ginnie Mae program offices to implement new programs and products, and has three divisions: the Operations Division, the Process & Product Division, and the Program Administration Division.

The Operations Division is responsible for managing Ginnie Mae’s back office operations, which largely includes the pooling of loans, creation of securities, investor reporting, timely payment to security holders and reporting daily, weekly and monthly disclosure information on new issuances and outstanding Ginnie Mae securities to the public. 

The Process & Product Division is responsible for working closely with Ginnie Mae’s program offices in developing and implementing new securitization programs and products. The division is responsible for the ongoing analysis and enhancement to existing systems and processes, managing the collaboration with Ginnie Mae contractors to make necessary changes to Ginnie Mae’s business process and systems, and implementing business and system enhancements necessary to ensure Ginnie Mae has the capacity and flexibility to support the marketplace.

The Program Administration Division is responsible for ensuring that all system/applications used for program execution are well functioning, kept up-to-date and meet business needs. In addition, the division also directs and manages the publication and maintenance of Ginnie Mae’s policies and procedures including Ginnie Mae All Participants Memoranda (APM), MBS Guide, and the Investor Reporting Guide. These materials communicate Ginnie Mae program requirements to program participants and establish the internal controls necessary to properly administer Ginnie Mae’s mortgage-backed securities (MBS) program. The division is also integral to program development and serves in a governance role to assist in program issue identification and resolution.

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Last Modified: 6/29/2022 2:17 PM