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Document Custodians

Document custodians play an important role in the Ginnie Mae process.

A document custodian must hold documents related to the pooled mortgages on Ginnie Mae's behalf for the life of the pool or loan package. Prior to submission of a pool or loan package for processing, it is the Issuer's responsibility to select an eligible institution to serve as document custodian. Appendix V of the Ginnie Mae MBS Guidearrow contains eligibility requirement information for document custodians.

The document custodian works directly under the Issuer. While an Issuer may use different document custodians for different pools or loan packages, each pool or loan package must have only one document custodian.

If you are a document custodian and you have questions, please send an e-mail to

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 ‭(Hidden)‬ Related-Party Document Custodians

Related-party document custodians, defined as either the Issuer acting as the document custodian (self-custody) or an affiliate of the Issuer acting as the document custodian, are subject to additional requirements. These requirements include:

  • Self-custody:

    An Issuer that meets the requirements of Part A, General Eligibility Requirements for document custodians, may perform the custodial functions required in this Manual for its own issuance activities, but only if:

    • the issuer has a trust department with fiduciary powers in accordance the requirements of Section A(10), Possess Fiduciary Powers;
    • Such trust department is vertically independent from the Issuer’s mortgage loan origination, servicing or selling functions. Neither the trust department, nor any of its principals, officers, or employees, may be directly or indirectly supervised by any principal, officer, or employee of the Issuer’s mortgage loan origination, servicing, or selling functions;
    • The trust department maintains personnel that is different and separate from any personnel within the Issuer’s mortgage loan origination, servicing, or selling functions, and;
    • The custodial functions are performed by the trust department described herein.
  • Affiliated document custodian:

    Document custodians may not provide the custodial functions required by this Guide for any Affiliate unless the following two conditions are met:

    • First, the document custodian must meet and continue to satisfy the requirements of Part A, General Eligibility Requirements for Document Custodians; and
    • Second, the document custodian must be, and remain, vertically independent from the Affiliate Issuer. For purposes of this requirement, the document custodian is not vertically independent if:
      • its principals, officers, or employees are directly or indirectly supervised by the Affiliate Issuer;
      • it must report to its controlling entity or another Affiliate through the Affiliate Issuer or any of the Affiliate Issuer’s employees, or;
      • the document custodian, its principals, officers, or employees are supervised by an Affiliate that is controlled by the Affiliate Issuer.

The document custodian function must be subject to periodic review and inspection by the primary regulator.

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Document Custodian Directory

Print Directory
NameAddress | Tel.ID
U.S. Bank4527 Metropolitan Court
Suite C
Frederick, MD 21704
(212) 951-8549
U.S. Bank1719 Otis Way 
Florence, SC 29501
(212) 951-8549
U.S. Bank1133 Rankin Street
St Paul, MN 55116
(212) 951-8549
U.S. Bank7861 Bayberry Road
Jacksonville, FL 32256
(212) 951-8549
U.S. Bank235 Fisher Drive
Waterloo, IA 50702 
(212) 951-8549

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Identification Number

Before executing a Master Custodial Agreement, an institution must obtain a Ginnie Mae document custodian identification number as specified in Chapter 2-E of the Document Custodian Manual(Appendix V-1) of the Ginnie Mae Guide. An on-site evaluation of the site and review of eligibility evidence may be required prior to the issuance of the custodian identification number.

The identification number must be placed on all documents on which the document custodian's name appears.​

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Last Modified: 8/26/2022 7:02 PM